Parents & Students » Counseling


Allissa Pullion 303-857-7451 [email protected]

Twombly's Elementary School Counseling program offers social, emotional, and behavioral support to help students succeed academically. Some examples of services provided include:

-consultation with teachers on classroom interventions
-group counseling
-individual counseling
-check in/check out
-help with bullying
-friendship groups
-help with problem solving
-referrals to outside providers
-liaison between outside providers/doctors for social/emotional/behavioral issues.

Most student counseling is short-term, skill-based, and goal directed in order to help students be successful in the classroom.

A student may access the counselor by:
*teacher referral
*parent referral
*administrative referral
*referral by a friend

To access counseling services for your student or for more information, please contact Allissa at the information above.